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arachne, spider robot visualization
greek, arachne-anassa (spider queen)
current active development
arachne is a spider (hexapod) script visualization, analysis, and robot control tool enabling full positioning and kinematics testing for any type of movements from stances, gaits, joint positioning, and tool placement.
while there are some truly gifted roboticists and support tools, i needed a way to build my own technical and engineering skills while allowing myself a chance to experiment in order to find my own way.
ultimate spider configuration
full radial symmetry, no front or back
body is a one foot torus with an 45 degree openning
six outer legs with patella, femur, tibia, and multi-foot
four inner bracing legs for heavy/unbalanced lifting
adjustable beak in center for tool gripping
two manipulation arms to assist tool work
three outer eyes, two tool eyes, and one roving eye
arachne scripting
scripting structure loosely follows music composition
desire maximum control to allow experimentation
script either end-points, gaits, or entire-body stances
interpreted into joint angles for robot control and presentation
curves are femur (red), patella (green), and tibia (blue) angles
movements normally accelerated and decelerated for grace
joint angle chart (left) shows six primary legs side-by-side
source code is GPL3 licensed,