charybdis, specialized desktop pager

daily use in production

greek, charybdis-adialeiptos (unceasing)

charybdis is fledgling combination of desktop pager, window information center, and command line control tool.

to clarify, i focused it on eterms (enlightenment terminals) as i’m a knuckle-dragging c-programmer ;)

UPDATE : charybdls has now become a goto tool for me. i don’t lose track of code windows anymore.

quick, single-desktop, pager-only demonstration (basic visual explained)

quick, multi-desktop demonstration

early debugging benefit, an output file (/run/charybdis.ttys)

the data is explained in the introduction video. it is written near real-time to a ram disk for other applications to consume.

it is also very helpful to me in debugging and controlling graphical applications.

source code is GPL3 licensed,


technical spreadsheet with gyges-hecatoncheires (prd)