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pacer, timed activities sequencer

greek, penelope-yponomi (patience)

in production

pacer is a small tool to guide timed and sequenced activities, like circuit training, cooking, and meditation, among hundreds of others. this is a case of once you have the tool, lots of opportunities come forward ;)

below is pacer running on the configuration shown in the editor (also pictured). i typically keep pacer semi-transparent and at the bottom of the screen. it could have a beautiful circle or other visualization; but, i found that distracting when it’s job to pace, not enthrall ;)

the configuration header line above has a duration that is for pacing chimes (30s each) and they are shown by vertical while lines.

the detail step lines have durations and are shown by alternating light and dark boxes. major chimes sound at the end of each step.

finally, the pacer top box is also the progress bar with a percent complete on the left.

in the above image, pacer is floating over several editor windows. it also has a floating command line to request a color change (result shown below).

the configuration file is kept in /etc/pacer.conf. i will add an ad-hoc request ability on the command line. and, a command line override to use a local configuration file.

another, quick add will be a simple countdown version, like a timer with a descriptive label.

source code is GPL3 licensed,


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