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theia, eterm color configuration

greek, theia-euryphaessa (wide-shinning)

daily use in production

theia provides real-time color configuration for my eterm (16 color) semi-transparent terminal windows. i wanted to be able to change both the backgrounds and foreground font colors at will as well as experiment with schemes that could enhance my experience.

not totally necessary, but i have standardized my colors and terminal window positions to help my work productivity. the positions are in my fluxbox keybindings and colors are a simple command line call.

the quarter (—quarter) report to the left is how i decide if a scheme is going to work. i have many schemes and background colors defined. but, i have standardized on medium-dark backgrounds with broad color ranges which replace white and black with brown and crimson. obviously i adjusted some others too.

the greatest pressure was to create a standard for gyges (spreadsheet) which uses color to encode information about each cell.

secondarily, i just wanted bright cool colors since i spend full days on my machine everyday ;)

my central /etc/theia.conf file has a list of current background colors. i chose to use single letters as an abbreviation for the colors. in my case, the colors are across the rainbow to give me many options. they are also all a similar medium-dark.

for example, theia p changes to a purple background, leaving foreground colors alone.

foreground color schemes are in /etc/theia.conf as well. i have grouped them as my thinking evolved. the early ones were from other programmers. color schemes are referred to by two-character hex codes in the second column.

i normally use 95 for most purposes. 1c is excellent for my unit testing given the shades of red and green.

for example, theia 95 sets the foreground scheme.

for me, it is important is to effect the current terminal variables, so i have a bash alias called “t” that defies color variables to they can be interrogated by other programs.

for example, t r 13 sets a red background and scheme 13.

finally, :!theia g 95 changes everything from inside vim.

source code is GPL3 licensed,


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