sharing programmer-to-programmer. please enjoy. pages are formatted for landscape tablet, laptop, or monitor.

ekho-orieades (repeater); aka, daweu

daweu is a chording keyboard originally developed for a touch screen monitor, but with a thought to use anywhere or on any surface. i like it, but my preferred future method is gregg shorthand which suits me better.

the keyboard matches my colemak-arensito layout, but that is just a convenience for me. any normal layout would likely require few changes. now, getting to one hand would take some concessions. maybe in the next round. ;)

semi-transparent mode

since i can rest my palms in my testing environement, i added some thumb functionality. it would be easy to remove that to allow use in harsher environments.

it is obviously sized to my particular environment, but that’s a fairly easy adjustment when needed. hardest is sizing to particular hands and ergonomics.

more visible

the upper gold color indicates what will happen if you are holding shift down. the lower green is for mode. using the thumb keys you can control whether keys on the row above or below are substituted.


the last concept i used was to enable a dragging motion, up-or-down would act as row-up or row-down. it simplifies the keys, but it requires a slippery, stable surface.



technical character font with phonecia-alfavito (prd)


task management with metis-okeanides (prd)