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metis, task management

greek, metis-okeanides (wise counsel)

in production

metis is a personal task manager built specifically for consolidating, filtering, sorting, visually presenting, and navigating large sets of tasks gathered from any-and-or-all code files and ascii-text lists.

i have used and liked task managers in the past, but they migrate, get bought, lose features, change platforms, or otherwise disappear. metis is the result of what i liked, none of what i didn’t, and the ability to last forever ;)

standard categorization

metis has four standard single character codes that help me group, sort, filter, and act on my tasks. each of those four have eight options each — maybe unnecessary symmetry, but it just organically worked out.

1) urgency — from right now to years

2) importance - from absolute to idea

3) estimate — from 15min to multi-day

4) status — from backlog to done

these can be updated at anytime in the source files.

typical view


categories (see above)

on screen view

metis can be a column (as shown) on either side. it can also be a streamer or ticker. there are also several multi-column formats.

movements are standard with all my other programs : up, down, page moves, scrolls, go to specific, etc.

tasks can be marked, searched, filtered, and sorted.

creation and editing

tasks are maintained in either source code or dedicated .tasks files. the graphical interface does not support editing so there will be only one source. besides, why create yet another editor.

source code (add a simple comment)

/* metis dn2# interactive cut and paste does not update formulas (#REF) */

dedicated .tasks file (gouping line followed by one or more task lines)

gyges gyges_opengl.c

dn2# interactive cut and paste does not update formulas (#REF)


metis can automatically collect task updates from any registered program sources or task files. this database keeps down the disk reading intensity, like other unix/linux utilities (like locate). it can also update individual sources on request.

source code is GPL3 licensed,


screen keyboard input with ekho-orieades (exp)


execution logging with clio-chrysafenios (prd)